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March's Featured Artist!

Meet Chemical Hex, a surrealistic illustrator based out of Southern California. Let’s learn more about her creative journey!

Welcome! Tell us about yourself, when did you start creating?

Hello my name is Sunny, I am an illustrator who likes to go under the alias of Chemical Hex. It’s the name I have chosen to represent my artwork and to separate it from myself. My artistic style involves surreal entities in the natural world with a grim twist. I began creating as soon as I was able to pick up a pencil. I have loved drawing ever since I can remember.

What’s your favorite medium to use?

I like to dabble in all mediums to be honest, but I prefer painting above all. I enjoy oil paint, gouache, and watercolor. Typically I like to use a combination of watercolor and gouache for my daily work but when I work on a big piece I always go with oil paint.

Are there any artists, photographers or designers you look up to or aspire to be like?

There is not a artist that I aspire to be like in particular, but I really look up to René Magritte and Salvador Dali’s work because their paintings still influence people to this day.

Those are some amazing artists to look up to. What else inspires you?

Being outside in nature has always inspired me. My artwork is heavily influenced by unorthodox symbols in nature. I love to paint things from the natural world like bugs and plants and the human form with a twist of something mystical. I really enjoy the dichotomy between science and magic. I try to express that in my work as much as I can.

I love that. Do you have any special talents aside from your creativity?

Honestly no, haha. Aside from art I really enjoy roller skating and swimming but I wouldn’t say that I am particularly skilled in either of those areas.

That’s cool, those are two things I can’t do - What are some rituals or processes you do while creating?

My creative process is something that I am still trying to master. I have a very unorganized thought process so my energy and emotions fluctuate a lot. So because of that I try to give myself time to create every day even if I don’t necessarily want to, because it helps me release tension and let the ideas flow.

It’s great you make time each day to do what you enjoy. Have you ever sold any work, and have you displayed in any art shows?

I have had a piece on display at GCS Santa Ana and have tabled a few times at art walks, I would like to branch out to more exhibitions and selling online.

I have sold my works here and there. I am currently in the process of making stickers, buttons and prints so my work can be more accessible to people who are interested in it.

I’m sure you will do great once you take that step. What are your plans for the future of your skill?

Like I said earlier I have plans to sell my art on different formats, aside from that I would like to start a YouTube channel someday so I can showcase my creative process step-by-step.

Chemical Hex’s advice for emerging artists: I honestly feel like I am still an emerging artist myself but what I have gathered so far is that artists should try not to compare themselves in a negative way towards other creators. I’ve noticed that a lot of people feel as though they are not talented because they don’t get as much attention as another artist. Always remember that likes and followers do not equate to talent. Comparing yourself to other people can really stunt your growth and hold you back. Just remember that Art is subjective and everyone is talented in their own way.”

To find more of Chemical Hex’s work, visit:

Instagram | TikTok | Tumblr | YouTube

Thank you for joining me for this month’s featured artist! Tune in next month for our next featured artist!

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