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July's Featured Artist!

The Dancer - this sculpture is no longer at this location - she is beautiful and strong and amazing.

This month’s featured artist is a Patterson local! William Hoffknecht specializes in photography and décor prints. He sells digital access on Patreon, which is a business site where creators can get paid for their skills. He has also sold prints and home décor pieces at booths, festivals and participated in the Merced Art Hop. Recently, he has started a podcast called “I Love You, California” that brings the listeners into the beauty, history and uniqueness of California. Let’s learn more about William!



Tell us more about your creative process

“My creative process is based on trying to see California from the back roads. Whenever we decide on a destination, I work to find the most backwoods way to get there and see what we can find along the way. We use the official California State Historical Landmarks as destinations”

What photographers, artists, or designers do you look up to or aspire to be like?

“Huell Howser of California's Gold fame is one of my inspirations when it comes to shooting and documenting CA. As a photographer my main inspiration is 'Byrd's Eye Photography'. I have many other creative heroes for various reason such as Jim Henson and Bob Ross.”



Have you been in any exhibitions? If so, please explain which ones. If not, explain which you would like to be involved in. 

“No - I was supposed to have an exhibition once but it fell through due to booking issues with the scheduler. I would love to have a reason to make more museum quality prints and pieces to share. My favorite part of taking pictures is getting to tell the story about them and what the world looks like in and around the image.”

What are you plans for the future of your skill?

“My dream is to be able to make a full-time living off high quality art photography prints. I want to design a room and atmosphere with my pieces.”

Reflections - this is an old building in SF on Pier 70.  Many of these sites have been torn down in the past 6 months for rejuvenation.  I wanted to capture the beauty in the old building before it was too late.

Do you have any advice for emerging artists?

“Be critical of your own work - but also learn to love your creation for what it is even if it isn't what you were shooting for in your mind. When I shoot - instead of forcing what I want in the edit - see what you captured and express what the image capture wants you to express. Once you shoot go with what your camera gives you.”


To see more of William’s content, he has provided some links for me to share:

Facebook | Instagram | Website | Podcast 

Life Finds A Way - this is a shot that I took when accessing a closed Superfund site in the Diablo Mountain Range.  The water and buildings are so contaminated - but yet life continues to slowly return.


Thank you for joining us for this month’s featured artist! Tune in next month for our next featured artist!

If you know any one who would be interested in submitting their work, please have them fill out the form below!

See this form in the original post

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